various images of LTAP work throughout the state
screenshot of Local Connections newsletter

Technology Exchange is published quarterly by LTRC. It is the newsletter of the Louisiana LTAP. Any findings, conclusions, or recommendations presented in this newsletter are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of LSU, DOTD, or FHWA.

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Current Issues

Volume 36, Number 2 (Summer 2024)
  • New Director
  • LPESA Scholarship
  • LPA Qualification Core Training
  • Disaster Preparedness
  • Successful Supervision Classes
Volume 36, Number 1 (Spring 2024)
  • LTAP Director Steven Strength Retires
  • Timely Safety Briefings: Dealing with Stress
  • Build a Better Mousetrap Open for Submissions
  • Leadership Spotlight: Kevin Greer
  • Training and Events Updates
Volume 35, Number 4 (Winter 2023)
  • Heavy Equipment Safety: Get ‘Er Done!
  • Director's Corner
  • GOHSEP and NWS Winter Weather Tips
  • APC National Award
  • Leadership Spotlight: David Worsham
  • Training and Events Updates
Volume 35, Number 3 (Fall 2023)
  • Pavement Preservation: A Broken Record?
  • Director’s Corner
  • Vulnerable Road Users
  • Behavioral Strategies
  • Leadership Spotlight: Joan Schexnayder
  • BIL Launchpad
  • Training and Events Updates


Click on the boxes below to expand the contents of each back issue.

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  • Summer Temperatures Are Up: How Can You Prevent Heat Stroke?
  • Vulnerable Road Users
  • Director's Corner
  • Preparing for a Hurricane
  • Leadership Spotlight: Debbie Henton
  • Training and Events Updates
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  • LTAP Highlights Road Safety, Crash Data Analysis Efforts at LTC 2023
  • "Identify, Train, Place" Toolkit Shared by FHWA
  • Director's Corner
  • Welcome, Haley Ortiz
  • Share Your Innovations
  • Leadership Spotlight: Perry Holmes
  • Training and Events Updates
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  • Pay Me Now or Pay Me Later (Preventive Maintenance)
  • Director's Corner
  • Ball Banking for Safety
  • LTAP Highlights Two Innovations Submitted by Lafayette
  • Leadership Spotlight: Richard Savoie
  • LPESA News
  • Training and Events Updates
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  • New Minimum Retroreflectivity Standards Take Effect
  • Director's Corner
  • A Holistic Approach to Promoting Pavement Preservation
  • Recruiting and Retaining Employees
  • SHSP Updates
  • LPA and LPESA News
  • Training and Events Updates
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  • LTAP at 40
  • Director's Corner
  • Tips and Tricks for Online Meetings
  • LPESA Conference Highlights
  • Combating Roadway Departures
  • Training and Events Updates
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  • Heavy Equipment Safety and Maintenance for Local Agencies
  • LTAP Director Receives NLTAPA Achievement Award
  • Director's Corner
  • Funding Opportunities for Locals
  • Tips and Tricks for Online Meetings
  • Reducing Rural Roadway Departures Workshops
  • Leadership Spotlight
  • Training and Events Updates
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  • Pavement Preservation and Road Surface Management
  • LPESA Meeting Recap
  • Director's Corner
  • Welcome Mia Bosco
  • Safety Leadership and Tailgate Talk
  • Leadership Spotlight: Mark Drewes
  • Low-Cost Road Safety Projects
  • LTAP in Action
  • Training and Events Updates
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  • Roads Scholar #13
  • FHWA/FEMA Provides Federal Reimbursement for Eligible Routes Damaged by Hurricane Ida
  • Director's Corner
  • COVID-19 Impacts
  • CAV Study
  • Leadership Spotlight: Allen Wainwright
  • LRSP Updates
  • Dan Magri Retirement
  • LTAP in Action
  • Training and Events Updates
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  • LPESA Convenes After Year-Long Pause
  • New Training Resource
  • Director's Corner
  • Deploying Value Capture
  • Road Safety Assessments
  • Leadership Spotlight: Claude Maher
  • Training and Events Updates
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  • LTAP Produces Work Zone Instructional Video
  • LPESA Engages Members through Hybrid Meetings
  • Director's Corner
  • COVID-19 Research
  • Better Crawfish Trap
  • Traffic Safety Webinars
  • Disaster Recovery Updates
  • Leadership Spotlight: Alison C. Lognion
  • Off-System Bridge Program
  • Training and Events Updates
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  • Connected and Automated Vehicles: Resources to Assist Local Agency Preparation
  • Director's Corner
  • LRSP News
  • Virtual LPA Peer Exchange
  • EDC-6 Virtual Summit
  • Leadership Spotlight: Tanya Moore
  • Training and Events Updates
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  • LTAP Gamifies Training to Engage Learners
  • Director's Corner
  • LTAP Website
  • Drainage: The Key to Roads that Last
  • Leadership Spotlight: Mary Stringfellow, FHWA Program Manager
  • Unmanned Aerial Systems
  • Training and Events Updates
  • Reducing Rural Roadway Departures
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  • LTAP Goes Virtual in COVID-19
  • Director's Corner
  • LTAP Program Manager Receives Paper Award, Will Present at ITE Annual Meeting in August
  • Get a Gameplan for Hurricane Season
  • New Roundabout in Lafayette
  • Leadership Spotlight: Mary Stringfellow, FHWA Program Manager
  • Local Public Agency Training Offered Virtually
  • Tailgate Talk Series: Chainsaw Safety
  • DOTD's Highway Safety Road Shows
  • Ouachita, Terrebonne Featured in Build a Better Mousetrap Booklet of Best Practices
  • Upcoming Events
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  • Multi-state Peer Exchange on Focus on Reducing Rural Roadway Departures (FoRRwD) Hosted in New Orleans
  • Director's Corner - Locals: Meeting Every Challenge
  • LTAP Welcomes New Program Manager
  • Value Capture: Capitalizing on the Value Created by Transportation
  • Leadership Spotlight: Joe E. "Butch" Ford, Jr., P.E., Parish Engineer, Bossier Parish
  • It's a Wrap for Basics of a Good Road Classes
  • Louisiana Statewide Flood Control Program Applications
  • LTAP on the Geaux
  • Upcoming Events
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  • Back to Basics with LTAP's Roads Scholar #1
  • Director's Corner: Fond Farewells and New Beginnings
  • Local Road Safety Spotlight: Mini-Roundabout at Nicholls State
  • Leadership Spotlight: Guy Cormier, Executive Director of Police Jury Association of LA
  • LTAP Teaches the Basics of Supervision
  • Every Day Counts: Focus on Reducing Rural Roadway Departures (FoRRRwD)
  • Innovation Exchange Webinars: Let’s Talk Innovation
  • LTAP on the Geaux
  • Upcoming Events
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  • Marie Walsh Retires as LTAP Director
  • Work Zone Class Wrap-up
  • PED-01 Standard Plan on Pedestrian Facilities
  • Disaster Preparedness Video for Elected Officials
  • NLTAPA Highlights
  • EDC-5 Innovation: Crowdsourcing
  • Innovation Exchange Webinars
  • STIC Projects
  • Leadership Spotlight: Sarah Edel
  • LTAP's Basic Suprevision Classes: Coming this Fall
  • LRSP Call for Projects
  • FHWA Shares Video Series
  • LTAP on the Geaux
  • Training Campaigns
  • Partner Campaigns and Conferences
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  • Pavement Preservation Podium Part 4
  • Diretor's Corner
  • New Training Coordinator
  • LPESA Spring Conference
  • Local Bridge Rating Compliance
  • Local Innovations Recognized
  • MS4 Conference
  • LRSP News
  • Acadiana Planning Commission Receives NADO Award
  • TC3 Resources
  • Leadership Spotlight: Tommy Durrett
  • LTAP in Action
  • Upcoming Campaigns
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  • MUTCD Compliance Date for Curve Warnings Looms Large
  • LTAP Director's Corner
  • Destination Zero Deaths
  • APWA Equipment ROADeo
  • LPESA Spring Conference
  • LTAP Staff Updates
  • Build a Better Mousetrap
  • Pedestrian Safety
  • LRSP Updates
  • LPESA Leadership
  • Leadership Spotlight
  • LTAP in Action
  • Upcoming Campaigns
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  • Pavement Preservation
  • LPESA Fall Conference
  • Roads Scholar Graduation
  • NLTAPA Conferece
  • Build a Better Mousetrap
  • Federal Funding Programs
  • Local Road Safety Plans
  • Leadership Spotlight
  • Intersection Basics
  • On-Ramp to Innovation
  • LRSP News
  • LA Watershed Initiative
  • Isle de Jean Charles
  • LTAP in Action
  • Walsh Receives WTS Award
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  • Pavement Preservation
  • Transportation Asset Management
  • Crash Data Workshop
  • Tailgate Talks
  • Class and Conference Updates
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  • Pavement Preservation
  • Build a Better Mousetrap
  • Disaster Planning and Response
  • APWA Officer Installation
  • Police Jury Association & Parish Engineers
  • Roads Scholar Graduates
  • Tractor Mower Safety
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  • Retro-reflections from The Road to Better Signing
  • Proven Safety Countermeasures
  • National LTAP/TTAP Conference
  • Future Plans for Future Storms
  • Off-Road Driving Safety
  • Women in Transportation
  • Mower Tractor Safety Course
  • LPESA Fall Conference
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  • Transportation Asset Management
  • Road Damage Documentation
  • LPESA Spring Meeting
  • National Public Works Week
  • LPA Resources
  • Renewed Focus on Innovation
  • Every Day Counts 4 Initiatives
  • Five Questions
  • ADA Compliance
  • Comprehensive Local Road Inventory Data
  • Chainsaw Safety
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  • 30 Years of LTRC & LTAP
  • Welcome Leo Maretta
  • Roads Scholar #3
  • Improved LRSP Process Debuts
  • LTAP Spring Calendar
  • Every Day Counts
  • LPESA Spring Conference
  • Fall 2016 Class Reviews
  • LA APWA Receives Award
  • Work Zone Safety Awareness
  • Roads Scholar #10
  • Chainsaw Safety Class Returns
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  • Basic Sign Requirements from the MUTCD - by the Numbers!
  • National Public Works Week
  • Resources Available
  • Work Zone Awareness
  • LPESA Spring Conference
  • Statewide Flood Control Program
  • Click It or Ticket
  • DOTD's ADA Transition Plan
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  • Bridging the Gaps
  • 2015 Roads Scholar Wrap Up
  • Bridge Rating News
  • LPA 3-Day Workshop
  • Complete Streets Peer Exchange
  • Using GIS and Google Earth to Report Flood Damage to FEMA
  • Chainsaw Safety Training
  • FHWA Safety Countermeasures

For back issues prior to Volume 29, please contact LTRC Publications at or (225) 767-9145.